Aid to RC Kharkiv: "Medical HUB" in the person of Rotarian Andriy Volnyansky
We transferred aid, including medical supplies for the civilian population to Kharkiv, to the Rotary Club Kharkiv: "Medical HUB" in the person of Rotarian Andriy Volnyansky.
Transferred aid to civil in combat zones near Kyiv, ‘Cherkasy City Hospital of Ambulance number 3 ’.
Transferred aid to civil in combat zones near Kyiv.
Provided aid to the municipal non-profit enterprise 'Cherkasy City Hospital of Ambulance number 3 '.
Purchase of general purpose drugs in the amount provided by the Rotary Club of Santa Rosa
Purchased medicines of general purpose for money given by Rotary Club of Santa Rosa and Rotary Club of Santa Rosa East West. Medicines is assigned to forced migrants, Territorial Defense Forces and sending to combat zones.
Provided aid to the ‘Cherkasy City Hospital Ambulance number 3 ’, school №33
Provided aid to the municipal non-profit enterprise 'Cherkasy City Hospital Ambulance number 3'.
Provided aid to the municipal non-profit enterprise 'Cherkasy City Hospital Ambulance number 3'.
Provided medicines for school number 33, which has now become one of the centres of support to forced migrants from combat zones.
Completed the transportation of medicines purchased by the RC Rosenheim-Innstadt, RC Rosenheim to ‘Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Cherkasy Regional Council’
Completed the transportation of medicines purchased by the Rosenheim-Innstadt Rotary Club and Rotary Club Rosenheim with help of Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heininger in Germany . All medicines are immediately transferred to the needs of the municipal non-profit enterprise 'Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Cherkasy Regional Council'
Completed the transportation of medicines purchased by the Rosenheim-Innstadt Rotary Club and Rotary Club Rosenheim with help of Dr. Hans-Ulrich Heininger in Germany . All medicines are immediately transferred to the needs of the municipal non-profit enterprise 'Cherkasy Regional Hospital of Cherkasy Regional Council'
Transferred aid, including food for evacuated people from Mariupol and Volnovaha
Transferred aid, including food for evacuated people from Mariupol and Volnovaha.
Transferred aid, including food for evacuated people from Mariupol and Volnovaha.
Delivering humanitarian aid to Territorial Defense and refugees from Mariupol
We transferred aid, including food and clothes, for Territorial Defense Forces in Cherkasy region and for people evacuated from Mariupol.
We transferred aid, including food and clothes, for Territorial Defense Forces in Cherkasy region and for people evacuated from Mariupol.
Finland aid
Completed the transportation of humanitarian aid, purchased by the volunteers of Ukrainian diaspora from Finland.
Completed the transportation of humanitarian aid, purchased by the volunteers of Ukrainian diaspora from Finland.
Provided aid to Cherkasy Humanitarian Centre.
Provided aid to Cherkasy Humanitarian Centre.
Provided aid to Cherkasy Territorial Defense Forces.
Provided aid to Cherkasy Territorial Defense Forces.